Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Aido one shot

Okay, folks. This time, it's a Vampire Knight fanfic. Give it up for Aidorockz and her fanfic, Aido one shot! You can totally see the creative energy behind this literary masterpiece!

Disclaimer: We don't own this one shot. We wouldn't want to, even if we were offered a million dollars.

Aido one shot

You look out the front window of your house and watched it rain.

Joel: Tense much.
Crow: But I'm sitting in front of my computer!
Mike: Tenses, people. Tenses.

You happened to live alone since, when your parents died, you refused to move out of that house.

Crow: But my parents are still alive! And I don't live alone!
Mike: I happen to have parents...*hugs parents*
Joel: I think we're turning into mary-sues.

It held too many good memories for.

Joel: Now it's your math. Mine, actually.
Crow: That's a sentence?
Mike: I know. My fullstops have great memories too.

Non of your remaining family members wanted to move in with you because they believed that your parents' killers would come back.

Joel: Of course. Staying alone and being pathetic is the basis of a mary-sue.
Crow: Aw, look at me. I'm so pitiful...
Joel: I bet you my entire estate that I'm the hottest person in there.
Mike: So they left you alone in a house that they know is homicide-bait. Way to care for the poor little girl.
Crow: It's obvious that my family's a little unstable, you know. What with all the killers. Hmph.

You parents were killed by a couple of rouge vampires when you were visiting a friend.

Joel: We had to live. Duh.
Crow: *gasp* So that's what happened to them!
Mike: Omg. Vampires with too much makeup! Everyone run for the mary-sue!
Crow: It's Edward Cullen!
Joel: I thought it was Bella.
Crow: Well, it's a little hard to differentiate between them.

You later came home to find them in pools of their own blood.

Joel: Did you swim?
Crow: *blinks* I did? Oh well, I suppose I did. I did, right??

You knew that vampire were responsible because of the bite marks on the necks.

Joel: Which vampire?
Crow: Edward and Bella Cullen.
Joel: Ah. I see. *nods in understanding* But I was under the impression that they were vegetarian.
Mike: It could be just a guy who had a thing for necks, you know.
Joel: Fetish, you mean.
Mike: I would say thing. Unless you normally bite the things that you have a fetish for.
Joel: Well, I don't have fetishes for anything, so how would I know?
Crow: Maybe they were just having sex.
Joel: Ah. The famous love bite, then.

You sigh sadly, remembering that one night when something outside caught your eye.

Crow: It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's Superman!
Joel: That's random. We were on swimming pools of blood, and now a random thing that caught your eye.

A boy, wearing nothing but a dark blue jacket.

Joel: My reflection?
Crow: So... wasn't his lower parts cold?
Joel: Beware the infamous frostbite, ready to claim your sex organs.
Crow: Sperms scream and die.

In the dime light because of the rain, and it was night time, you could see that the boy was about 17 and it looked like he had blond hair, but it was to dark to really tell.

Joel: To dark?
Crow: Money-growing lights!
Mike: Dime light only occurs on rainy nights. when you're thinking of money. and about boys with no pants.
Joel: Not to mention what lies there when the pants are off.

Another unfinished work. Sorry! It will be finished, we promise! Curious masochistic people, this way: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4958429/1/Aido_one_shot

For people who want to read more of this wonderful author's work *cough*, she has twenty-four more stories for us to MST.

1 comment:

  1. You know, You bullying me 5 years ago just makes me laugh now. I still write stories and I am still pleased with myself, although I have improved over the five years. So I hope you guys matured and no longer bully people... oh and that 24 stories is now 53 :3
